

圖片來源:Kira auf der Heide, Unsplash


Where are plastic bags banned around the world? 世界上有實行限塑政策的地區


America is far from the most progressive country when it comes to plastic bag bans internationally.




David Masemore, Unsplash


At least 32 countries around the world have plastic bag bans in place — and nearly half are in Africa, where plastic bags frequently clog drains, leading to increased mosquito swarms (and, as a result, bouts of malaria).




非洲國家在推動限塑政策上相對積極,這跟當地的環境條件有相當大的關係,圖片來源:Louis Hansel, Unsplash


全球限塑政策現況,圖片來源:Reuse This Bag, Unsplash



The bans in these countries range widely in severity, but Kenya’s, put into place last year, surely take the cake: anyone “making, selling, of importing” plastic bags could face fines of up to $19,000, and 4 years in jail.




以各國的限塑政策來說,肯亞是規定最嚴格的國家,圖片來源:Harshil Gudka, Unsplash


In China, plastic bag waste was so bad that it led to the coining of the term “white pollution.” A full ban was adopted in 2008 — and since then, plastic bag waste has dropped by 60% to 80%, an effective reduction of some 40 billion bags. The country does, however, still face enforcement issues.




自2008年以來,中國的塑膠袋廢棄量就減少了非常多,圖片來源:Usukhbayar Gankhuyag, Unsplash


And in India, where an estimated 20 cows per die die from plastic ingestion, a ban has been in effect since 2002.




全世界執行限塑政策的地區及現況,圖片來源:Reuse This Bag



Some 18 countries also have taxes in place, which have proved to be a viable alternative to a full ban.




有些國家在限塑上就沒那麼嚴格,比較會以規定店家不得免費提供塑膠袋的方式,以減少塑膠袋的使用量,圖片來源:Jomjakkapat Parrueng, Unsplash


In Ireland, a 22c plastic bag tax has reduced usage by as much as 90%. Portugal has seen a drop in excess of 85%. And since imposing a tax in 2003, Denmark has seen the lowest plastic usage in Europe. Averaging just 4 bags per person, per year.




Florencia Viadana, Unsplash


Globally, as many as 160,000 plastic bags are used every second — and currently, only 1 to 3% of them are recycled. This simply isn’t sustainable behavior and plastic bag bans are one solution to the problem. While only two states in America and a few dozens countries have banned bags, the results so far have included a substantially decline in plastic bag usage and waste




原文出處:Where are Plastic Bags Banned Around the World?

原文作者:Priceonomics Data Studio



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