



Flip through a popular bridal magazine these days and you'll find a sea of smiling women, twirling in white.



The white gown is synonymous with weddings, a custom that’s often assumed to be a nod to old-school values of purity and chastity, as embodied by the virginal bride.



But in reality, the rise of the white dress is less a story of religious influence or puritanical mores than it is a tale of economics and marketing – one driven by a burgeoning garment industry that managed to harness the power of WWII propaganda and the marital boom that followed.



“The color of the twentieth-century gown itself was an invented tradition, meaning that it evolved into something seen as unchanging and timeless, though it was not always so,” writes Vicki Howard in her book, Brides, Inc.


而《美式傳統婚禮及傳統產業》〈Brides, Inc.一書的作者,維琪霍華德〈Vicki Howard〉就有對這個現象做出了解釋:〝儘管在20世紀時的白色禮服不完全兼具恆久不變及永恆的傳統意象,但對於大眾來說,這兩種意象深植人心。〞

Though considered a historic and time-honored ritual, the white wedding is actually a somewhat modern phenomenon.




Aristocratic origins 白婚紗曾是貴族的〝專利


Vadim Sherbakov


For many women throughout history, a wedding dress wasn’t a once-worn garment in shimmering white, but simply the nicest item of clothing they had. In many cases, they’d wear it again for other formal occasions, some of them less celebratory in nature.



“Most nineteenth-century brides were simply married in their best dress, which was often black (durable and appropriate for inevitable funerals),” writes Carol Wallace in her history of the ceremony, All Dressed in White.


卡洛華勒斯在她的書《白色禮服》〈All Dressed in White,講述婚禮歷史的書〉裡寫道:〝其實在十九世紀時,多數的新娘就只是穿著他們認為最好看的禮服來參加婚宴,而且通常都是以黑色居多〈在現今的社會,黑色較常出現在喪禮上〉〞

For most of human history, those of lesser means were wise to avoid white – in addition to being expensive, white fabrics weren’t exactly easy to keep clean. Since wedding gowns were typically used on multiple occasions, this was a particularly important consideration. Women often made their own dresses at home, and any faulty stitches or imperfections would be more likely to stand out in white.



Still, there’s evidence of royalty sporting the color dating back to the Middle Ages.


Princess Philippa of England reportedly donned white satin trimmed with ermine (a type of weasel) for her 1406 wedding to a Danish prince, likely the first documented case of a princess in white on the big day.





A bride in a dark wedding dress. Photo credit: Lindner, Chicago

穿著黑色婚紗的新娘,圖片來源:Linder, Chicago


The color gained a significant PR boost when Queen Victoria of England chose a white satin and lace gown for her marriage to Prince Albert in 1840. As the most public royal wedding to date, news of the event, including engravings of the queen, quickly made the rounds.




A trend had begun to take root, although it would be another hundred years before the style would be widely available to middle class women at an affordable price.




A portrait of Queen Victoria in her wedding dress. Photo via Wikipedia

Brides from elite families in England and the U.S. began to adopt the color in the decades following the queen’s debut until, just fifty years later, it seemed as though the custom had always been: “From times immemorial the bride’s gown has been white,” claimed an issue of Ladies’ Home Journal in 1890.



By the turn of the century, the wealthy still had a monopoly on the white wedding dress, even as the color choice took on new significance: underscoring a bride’s sexual purity. That likely wasn’t Queen Victoria’s intent. But after her trendsetting nuptials, as one journalist has written, “the sentimental Victorians idolized innocent brides and their pure white gowns.”



“Custom has decided, from the earliest ages, that white is the most fitting hue, whatever may be the material,” declared the Godey’s Lady’s Book in 1849. “It is an emblem of the purity and innocence of girlhood, and the unsullied heart she now yields to the chosen one.”




Nevertheless, Vicki Howard argues that it’s not clear whether the brides themselves were adopting the same cultural message or just following the fashions of the day. “Wearing white,” she writes, “simply could have been the thing to do because it was what others were wearing, and had worn in the past.”



Soon, the ritual of the white dress would reach new heights.




1. 本篇的內容,講述的是白色婚紗的起源至逐漸興盛的階段〈中古世紀到維多利亞女王時期:14到19世紀中期〉,並非原文的全部,這是因為篇幅過長的關係,所以剩下的原文部分及翻譯會放在下篇(有興趣的可以看下一篇〉


2. 早期白色婚紗並不盛行,主要是因為當時的技術有限以及生活習慣


3. 在19世紀末以前,白色婚紗只出現在貴族階級


4. 由於白色禮服在當時算是女生最美的衣服,所以在其他重要場合上,還是會穿著白色禮服


5. 早在中古世紀,就有貴族穿著類似現代白色婚紗的相關記載


6. 白色婚紗的風氣,主要是源自於二戰的商業行銷〈詳細資訊會在下一篇-白色婚紗的意義與由來(中)出現喔〉

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