The Benefits of The Ketogenic Diet
There is a ton of hype surrounding the ketogenic diet. Some researchers swear that it is the best diet for most people to be on, while others think it is just another fad diet.
To some degree, both sides of the spectrum are right. There isn’t one perfect diet for everyone or every condition, regardless of how many people “believe” in it. The ketogenic diet is no exception to this rule.
However, the ketogenic diet also has plenty of solid research backing up its benefits. In fact, it has been found to be better than most diets at helping people with:
Epilepsy 癲癇
Type 2 Diabetes 第二型糖尿病
Type 1 Diabetes 第一型糖尿病
High Blood Pressure 高血壓
Alzheimer’s disease 阿茲海默症
Parkinson’s disease 帕金森氏症
Chronic Inflammation 慢性發炎
High Blood Sugar Levels 高血糖
Obesity 肥胖
Heart Disease 心臟疾病
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome 多囊性卵巢症候群
Fatty Liver Disease 脂肪肝
Cancer 癌症
Migraines 偏頭痛
Even if you are not at risk from any of these conditions, the ketogenic diet can be helpful for you too. Some of the benefits that most people experience are:
Better brain function 更好的腦部功能
A decrease in inflammation 降低發炎的機率
An increase in energy 體能提升
Improved body composition 身體組分的改善
As you can see, the ketogenic diet has a wide array of benefits, but is it any better than other diets?
The Calorie Conundrum 難解的熱量攝取問題
Many researchers argue that ketosis (burning ketones for fuel) and carbohydrate restrictions only play a minor role in the benefits of the ketogenic diet. Their argument is that people tend to eat fewer calories on the ketogenic diet, and this is the main reason for its benefits.
It is true that people on the ketogenic diet tend to eat less because of how satiating eating a high-fat moderate-protein diet is for us. And it is also true that less calorie consumption leads to improved health and weight loss, but there is something that many researchers don’t consider.
The ketogenic diet elicits many other important mechanisms in the body and cells that are nonexistent in other diets. These unique mechanisms explain the benefits of the ketogenic diet that eating fewer calories cannot.
How The Body Adapts To The Ketogenic Diet— The Main Reason for Many of the Benefits
From The Cell’s Point of View 從細胞觀點來看
Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred fuel source. When its consumption is restricted, the body reacts as if it is fasting. This stimulates new energy pathways to provide energy for the cells. One of these energy pathways is called ketogenesis, and the result of ketogenesis is an alternative fuel source called a ketone body.
These ketones bodies can be used by almost every cell in your body for fuel (except for the liver and red blood cells). However, sugar and ketone bodies affect the body in many different ways.
For example, burning sugar for fuel creates more reactive oxygen species. These reactive oxygen species cause damage, inflammation, and cell death when they accumulate. This is why consuming too much sugar is known to impair brain function and cause plaque build up in the brain.
On the other hand, ketones provide a more efficient energy source and help protect neuron cells in the brain. This is partly because burning ketones for fuel decreases the production of reactive oxygen species and enhances mitochondrial function and production.
The healthy cells that are struggling to survive are helped by the carbohydrate restriction as well. Without access to carbohydrates, a cellular process called autophagy is activated. This process up-regulates many factors that improve cell health and resilience, clean up the cell from damage and illicit anti-inflammatory processes.
The combination of autophagy and ketone burning are essential in helping people with cancer and brain disorders like epilepsy, migraines, and Alzheimer’s.
From The Body’s Perspective 從身體的角度來看
Now, let’s zoom out and look at how the ketogenic diet changes the body. It all begins with a change in insulin levels.
By restricting carbohydrates, we take the biggest stimulator of insulin out of the diet. This decreases insulin levels, increases fat burning, and reduces inflammation. The combination of these three changes addresses the primary drivers of many chronic diseases — insulin resistance, inflammation, and fat accumulation.
The Takeaway — The Mechanisms Behind The Ketogenic Diet
From a mechanistic level, here is why the ketogenic diets can lead to benefits that reach beyond caloric restriction:
On a cellular level: 以細胞的層次
Ketones burn more efficiently than sugar. 酮體燃燒的效率比糖來得更好
Carbohydrate restriction triggers autophagy and anti-inflammatory processes. 控制碳水的攝取促進自噬作用和抗炎的流程
Burning ketones for fuel creates less reactive oxygen species. 燃燒酮體較不會產出活性氧物質〈Reactive Oxygen Species〉
Ketone usage enhances mitochondrial function and production. 生酮的使用增強了粒線體〈mitochondrial〉的效能與產能
In the body: 以體內的層次
Insulin levels decrease because dietary carbohydrate isn’t stimulating its release. 胰島素水準會下降是因為,膳食中攝取的碳水減少,較不會刺激胰島素的釋出
Fat burning increases because the body needs to use alternative fuel sources. 燃脂效率會增強是因為,身體開始需要使用脂肪這種能替代醣類的能量來源
Inflammation is reduced because inflammatory fat levels decrease and less reactive oxygen species are formed.
The combination of the cellular and bodily effects of the ketogenic diet provides us with a basis for why they may be useful in the treatment of the conditions we mentioned earlier. However, this is only biochemistry. Is the ketogenic diet scientifically proven to help people with those conditions?
Treating Epilepsy — The Origins of The Ketogenic Diet
Our journey through the research on the ketogenic diet starts in 1924 with Dr. Russell Wilder. At the prestigious Mayo Clinic, Dr. Wilder designed a carbohydrate-restricted diet to treat epilepsy in children, and the research at the time indicated that it was highly effective.
針對生酮飲食的研究就得從1924年開始,在美國知名的馬約診所〈Mayo Clinic〉裡,羅素王爾德醫師設計了一套控制碳水化合物的飲食法來治療罹患癲癇的小朋友,在當時,這樣的療法相當有效。
The first high-quality study on epilepsy and the ketogenic diet wasn’t published until much later, in 1998. In this study, researchers recruited 150 children, and nearly all of them had more than two seizures per week despite taking at least two seizure-reducing medications. The children were provided with a ketogenic diet for a one-year trial.
After three months, about 34% of the children, or slightly over one-third, had over a 90% decrease in seizures.
After six months, 71% of the children remained on the ketogenic diet, and about 32% had over a 90% reduction in seizures. After a full year, 55% stayed on the diet and 27% at least a 90% decrease in seizures.
Thus, the researchers stated that the ketogenic diet is “more effective than many of the new anticonvulsant medications and is well tolerated by children and families when it is effective.” Not only was the ketogenic diet helpful, but it was more helpful than some commonly used drugs.
More recently, a meta-analysis was published in the Journal of Neurology that assessed the impact of the ketogenic diet in treating epilepsy. It included a total of 19 studies with a total of 1084 patients. After analyzing the data, the researchers noted that the patients who stayed on the diet had a 2.25 times greater probability of treatment success (at least a 50% reduction in seizures).
近年來,在神經學、神經外科學與精神病醫學期刊(The Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry)上,刊載了一篇有關生酮飲食治療癲癇的整合分析研究〈meta-analysis〉。這項整合性的研究結合了19項研究及1084個病患。在經資料分析後,研究人員發現,維持生酮飲食的病患,他們的癲癇的控制效果大約是未採用生酮飲食的2.25倍〈癲癇控制效果在實驗的定義為至少抑制了50%癲癇發作的頻率〉。
The Takeaway: With or without the help of medication, the ketogenic diet is effective in reducing seizures.
Recommendations: If conventional therapies are not helping you or your child lower the frequency of seizures, strongly consider using a ketogenic diet. Remember to discuss a suitable plan with your doctor and a registered dietitian, and monitor its effectiveness. Use to gain access to critical information on the keto lifestyle and community that will help you stick to the diet.
For more in-depth information, check out:
Treating Childhood Epilepsy: The Origins of the Ketogenic Diet
The Ketogenic Diet in Reversing Type 2 Diabetes
Insulin resistance is a widespread problem that, if not properly managed, can lead to prediabetes and eventually type 2 diabetes. Thankfully, abundant research suggests that modifying your diet to a low-carbohydrate or ketogenic diet can help people lower their insulin to healthy levels and reverse insulin resistance.
胰島素抗性〈Insulin resistance〉是一項常見的健康問題,如果沒能有效管理,可能會造成糖尿病前症,甚至最終會有第二型糖尿病的產生。幸好,有相當多的研究顯示,將您的飲食習慣改為低碳或是生酮飲食,是可以幫助降低胰島素水準至健康的範圍內,並能迴轉胰島素抗性。
In fact, after analyzing the data from 10 randomized trials on using diet to treat diabetes, researchers found that a low-carbohydrate diet has a greater effect on blood sugar control in type 2 diabetics than high-carbohydrate diets.
They even found a distinct relationship between carbohydrate restriction and blood sugar lowering. Less carbohydrate consumption meant better blood sugar levels.
It’s that simple — put people with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes on a low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet, and their health improves, blood sugar levels drop, and insulin sensitivity increases. Even studies that put healthy individuals on a ketogenic diet found similar improvements.
The Takeaway: The ketogenic diet is highly effective at reversing type 2 diabetes.
Recommendations: If you have type 2 diabetes or any blood sugar issues, consider implementing the ketogenic diet for the best results.
For more in-depth information, check out:
The Ketogenic Diet and Diabetes 生酮飲食與糖尿病之間的關係