How To Reverse Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

如何才能造成非酒精性脂肪肝〈Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease〉的迴轉






The key to disrupting the vicious cycle of fatty liver disease before it damages the liver is exercise and diet.




That’s right — Treating obesity of the liver is similar to treating obesity of the body. In fact, many scientific papers agree that the treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease should be focused on controlling diabetes, obesity, insulin resistance, and hyperlipidemia. We should only focus on treating the liver in those with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.




This means that the best way to reverse nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and prevent liver damage is with a diet that has been proven to control diabetes, obesity, insulin resistance, and hyperlipidemia




Luckily, this diet already exists and has been found to more effective than caloric restriction and low-fat diets. This diet is called the ketogenic diet. A diet that focuses on restricting carbohydrates, removing one of the main drivers of fatty liver disease from the diet.




However, we cannot call the ketogenic diet the ideal diet for fatty liver disease yet. This is only a theory that is based on evidence for how the ketogenic diet helps people with issues related to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. To see what works best for the disease itself, we must dig through the research.




What Is The Best Fatty Liver Reducing Diet and Lifestyle?





In a review of studies on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease treatments, the researchers found that weight loss leads to a substantial improvement in the disease. Weight loss of 3-5 % improves fatty liver disease, but to reduce inflammation and liver damage, a weight loss of 10% may be needed. To accomplish this, researchers used the most well-known way to promote weight loss: caloric restriction and exercise.




Let’s start with exercise. Physical activity alone improves insulin sensitivity and reduces fat in the liver.




In fact, one study kept the body weight of their subjects constant while they implemented an exercise training program. They found that it leads to a distinct decrease in liver fat.




In studies that combine caloric restriction with exercise, the results are even more promising. For example, one study took twenty-five obese patients with fatty liver and put fifteen of them on a calorie restricted diet and exercise program for 3 months.




The calorie restricted diet was based on a daily calorie intake of the patient’s ideal weight in kilograms multiplied by 25 calories, and the exercise program is described as “walking or jogging”.




The researchers found that the treatment group’s “weight, blood biochemical data such as aminotransferase, albumin, cholinesterase, total cholesterol and fasting blood glucose values, and steatosis (fatty liver) were significantly decreased after the trial.  In the control group, there were no significant differences in the clinical and histological findings before and after the trial.”


研究人員發現,實驗組〈也就是這15位〉的〝體重、血液生化〈blood biochemical〉指標〞像是轉氨酶〈aminotransferase〉、白蛋白〈albumin〉、總膽固醇〈total cholesterol〉和空腹血糖值〈fasting blood glucose values〉和脂肪變性〈steatosis〉〈脂肪肝〉的數值在經過實驗後都下降了。在控制組〈剩下沒參與的那十位〉在臨床和顯微解剖學的研究結果中,歷經了實驗後並無任何明顯的改變。


It’s that simple. Eat less and move more, and you can reverse fatty liver disease. Many review articles on the treatments for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease also agree on this simple principle, but they don’t agree upon what kind of exercise to do.




Many studies have been done on different types of exercise and their effects on fatty liver disease, but there is not enough data to come to a clear conclusion about what is best. However, we do know what is better — doing the exercise that you will actually do.




The jury is still out on the best diet for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease as well. We know for certain that restricting your calories helps, but another diet may provide even better results, making it worthy of the name “fatty liver diet”.




The Ketogenic Diet May Be The Best Fatty Liver Diet





We mentioned before that weight loss is essential when reversing nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and an even greater reduction in weight loss is helpful for patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. The best way to achieve this weight loss, however, is not with caloric restriction.




In fact, many studies conclude that caloric restriction is inferior to a low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet when it comes to weight loss. For example, one study split 132 people into two groups: a low-carbohydrate diet (30 grams or less of carbohydrates a day) group and a calorie-restricted, low-fat diet group.


看到目前為止,您一定會覺得很奇怪對吧。一般來說,熱量控制不就等於是減重嗎?先別急,往下看就知道原因了。事實上,許多研究顯示:熱量控制法的減重效果沒有低碳飲食或是生酮飲食來得好〈相關說明看這篇:大學生小廚房《TDEE迷思:不是要吃基礎代謝+300嗎?| 代謝補償 | 甚麼是TDEE? 》〉。例如,其中一項研究將132個人分為兩組:低碳飲食組〈每日碳水化合物攝取量控制在30克以內〉及熱量控制搭配低脂飲食組。


After six months of this dietary intervention, the researchers concluded that “severely obese subjects with a high prevalence of diabetes and the metabolic syndrome lost more weight in a six-month period on a carbohydrate-restricted diet than on a fat- and calorie-restricted diet.”




The ketogenic diet has also been proven in multiple studies to be more effective than a calorie-restricted diet at reversing type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and hyperlipidemia. This must mean that it is effective for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease as well, right?




A recent pilot study put five patients on the ketogenic diet ( less than 20 grams per day of carbohydrate). At the end of six months, the average weight loss was 28 pounds, but this wasn’t the most surprising finding. Each patient underwent a liver biopsy, and four of the five patients showed a reduction in liver fat, inflammation, and fibrosis. This provides preliminary evidence that the ketogenic diet can reverse fatty liver disease and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.


在近期的一項先導性研究〈pilot study,如果看完連結或是不想看的話還是不懂沒關係就略過吧〉中,研究人員選了五位罹患脂肪肝的病患,並讓它們採用生酮飲食〈每天的碳水化合物的攝取量控制在20克以內〉。在經過六個月後,這五個人平均減了28磅〈約12.7公斤〉,但這並不是最讓人驚豔的實驗結果。在經過肝穿刺切片檢查〈liver biopsy〉後,其中有四個病患的肝脂肪、炎症及纖維化的程度有下降。這樣的實驗結果提供了這樣的初步證據:生酮飲食可以迴轉脂肪肝及非酒精性脂肪性肝炎


However, this is a small pilot study (and the patients took supplements as well). To get a clear answer, we must find more studies on the ketogenic diet and fatty liver disease.




In a 2016 meta-analysis and systematic review on the effects of low carbohydrate diets on liver function tests in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease patients, the researchers’ conclusions were not as promising.




They found that the low carbohydrate diet decreased fat in the liver significantly, but the liver function tests did not improve. The measurements they looked at to determine liver function were the liver enzymes (AST, ALT, and GGT) that are usually elevated in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. As a result of the low carbohydrate diet, these levels decreased, but not enough to be statistically significant.




When we look more closely at the studies in the meta-analysis, they either found no effect on liver enzyme levels or a significant effect. In other words, the liver function of some people stayed the same on the low-carbohydrate diet while others improved significantly. Why the difference?




Two factors that we talked about earlier could be at the root of the differences between studies. These factors are genetics and gut health.




Some people were born with a set of genetic variants that make it harder for them to adapt to the low carbohydrate diet, which may lead to a minimal improvement of liver function. It is possible, however, that these people could get better results if they stay with the diet longer.


有些人一生下來就有一組基因變體〈genetic variants〉使得他們的身體較難去適應低碳飲食,這可能也是為何採用這種飲食法後肝功能的改善幅度小的原因。這樣的基因的緣故是合理的,但是,如果這些人採用生酮飲食的時間再更長的話,就會得到更好的效果


Gut health is another important variable to consider. When many people first try a high-fat, low-carb diet, they may focus on all of the fatty meat and cheese they can eat and forget about eating vegetables. Excess fat consumption with very little fiber can cause the gut microbiome to change tremendously. This leads to more lipopolysaccharides being absorbed and more inflammation in the body and the liver.




To optimize your diet to reverse disease, especially fatty liver disease, it is imperative to have low-carbohydrate vegetables with every meal. The combination of vegetables and carbohydrate restriction is what makes an ideal fatty liver diet.




全文連結:Keto: The Best Fatty Liver Diet

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