Fatty liver disease is exactly what the name suggests – a disease characterized by the build up of fat in the liver. There are two main types of fatty liver disease



Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease  非酒精性脂肪肝

Alcoholic fatty liver disease (also called alcoholic steatohepatitis) 酒精性脂肪肝〈亦稱為酒精性肝疾病/酒精性脂肪肝炎〉

Both types of fatty liver disease are diagnosed when fat makes up at least 10% of the liver, but the cause of the fat build up is different for each type.


The cause of alcoholic fatty liver disease is obvious. The amount of alcohol it takes to cause fatty build up in the liver, however, is not so obvious. The Liver Foundation suggests consuming no more than 14 drinks a week for men and 7 drinks a week for women. Anything more than may cause fat to build up in the liver.

造成酒精脂肪肝的病因是很明顯的,肝臟內所累積的脂肪是源自於酒精的攝取量,但這樣的說法過於籠統,到底飲用多少酒會應形成脂肪肝。根據肝臟協會〈the Liver Foundation〉的建議,成年男性一周的飲用量盡量不要超過14杯,而成年女性一周盡量不要超過7杯,只要超過這樣的攝取量,就很可能會造成肝臟內脂肪的累積,甚至會形成脂肪肝。

The treatment for alcoholic fatty liver disease is simple enough — stop drinking alcohol. Studies confirm that cessation of alcohol consumption can reverse alcoholic fatty liver disease.


However, the cause and treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease are not as obvious. This is because many different factors (other than alcohol) can cause fat to build up in the liver.


The Truth About Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease



Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease affects 20-30% of adult populations in developed countries, but the mechanisms underlying its cause are incompletely understood. We can, however, take some clues from other common diseases to figure out why this happens.


In epidemiological studies including people with type 2 diabetes, 62 to 69% of them also had nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Another study found that 50% of patients with dyslipidemia (abnormally elevated cholesterol levels) had nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

罹患第二型糖尿病病患參與的流行病學研究〈epidemiological studies〉中顯示,其中有62%至69%的病患也正好有非酒精性脂肪肝。另一項研究顯示,大約有50%有著血脂異常dyslipidemia,膽固醇水準異常上升〉的病患也有這樣的症狀

Obesity, metabolic syndrome, and heart disease are also closely linked with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. In fact, the most common cause of death for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease patients is heart disease.

肥胖代謝症候群〈metabolic syndrome〉與心臟病這三種症狀也與非酒精性脂肪肝有著密切的關連性。而事實上,非酒精性脂肪肝最常見的死因正是心臟病。

This leaves us with five conditions that are commonly associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, dyslipidemia, and metabolic syndrome.

由這樣的推論來看,非酒精性脂肪肝最常見的情況有五種,分別為:第二型糖尿病〈type 2 diabetes〉、肥胖〈obesity〉、心臟病〈heart disease〉、血脂異常〈dyslipidemia〉

What is even more intriguing is that obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, dyslipidemia, and metabolic syndrome all are intimately linked as well. This is because they can all be caused by a combination of lifestyle, genetics, and gut health issues. Scientists believe that the same is true for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease as well.

讓人覺得奇妙的是,上述這五個現象,如果仔細一想,有沒有發現都有著密切的關聯性。這是因為,上述的成因都源自於:日常的生活方式遺傳腸道健康問題〈gut health issues〉。科學家相信,這同樣也是非酒精性脂肪肝的症狀成因。

What Causes Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease


The exact mechanisms that cause nonalcoholic fatty liver disease are not fully understood, but we do know for certain that lifestyle, genetics, and gut health issues play an important role.


1. Lifestyle — Eating Too Much and Exercising Too Little



Insulin resistance is a common side effect of eating too much and exercising too little, and it is one of the main reasons why fat builds up in the liver. Throughout the body, insulin resistance causes fatty acids to be released from fat cells and sugar to build up in the blood. The excess fatty acids and sugar (from the blood and the diet) enter the liver where they are converted into fat and stored.

吃得多、動得太少常見的後遺症就是胰島素抗性〈或稱為胰島素阻抗,Insulin resistance〉,而這正是脂肪積累在肝臟的主要原因之一〉。而這樣的狀況造成了脂肪酸從脂肪細胞釋放且糖會在血液中累積。過量的脂肪酸跟糖〈源自血液及飲食〉進到肝臟後,會轉換為脂肪然後在裡面做儲存

As long as the liver, muscles, and adipose cells are resistant to insulin, sugar will continue to build up in the blood and fat will continue to build up in the liver. This vicious cycle of insulin resistance and fat accumulation in the liver is caused by eating too much and exercising too little.

只要肝臟、肌肉及脂肪細胞〈adipose cells〉對胰島素產生阻抗,糖會持續在血液中做積累且脂肪會在肝臟內持續囤積。由此來看,這樣胰島素阻抗及肝臟內脂肪囤積的惡性循環正是因為吃得多動得少的緣故。

Overfeeding on fat and sugar fills the cells up with energy to the point where they no longer respond to insulin. The liver receives the excess fat and sugar and has to store it has fat to save the body from the detrimental effects of having too much fat and sugar in the blood.

過量的脂肪跟糖會讓體內的細胞長時間充滿了能量,但也因此它們不在對胰島素有任何的反應。肝臟接收了過量的脂肪跟糖,只能將它們儲存為脂肪以防止血液中有過多的糖跟脂肪這樣對於體內的負面影響〈detrimental effects〉。

The quickest way to increase fat build up in the liver is by overfeeding on carbohydrates. Fructose, especially, will lead to the most fat accumulation in the liver. (Keep this in mind for when we go over the ideal fatty liver diet later.)


Having a sedentary lifestyle will also make your cells less sensitive to insulin. In fact, studies show that sitting for 2 hours after eating a meal can impair insulin sensitivity and increase blood sugar levels. Imagine what happens to you when the majority of your time is spent sitting and the majority of your meals consist of an overwhelming amount of carbohydrates and fat.

除了上述提及的飲食方面外,那動的方面呢?久坐不動〈sedentary lifestyle〉也可能會讓細胞對於胰島素有較低的敏感度。研究也證實,在吃完飯後直接坐在椅子上長達兩小時,是會減弱胰島素敏感度〈insulin sensitivity〉,並會增加血糖水準。想像一下,當您日常生活大部分的時間都是坐著且大多時候的飲食是含有過量碳水化合物及脂肪時,您的身體會產生什麼樣的狀況。

This is why many researchers agree that improving insulin sensitivity is a key strategy in the treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. However, there is a small subset of people who can get nonalcoholic fatty liver disease without showing any signs of insulin resistance.


2. Genetics — Gene Variants, Gender, and Ethnicity



Like many common diseases, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is polygenic. This means that the interaction of many different gene variants can make someone more susceptible to having a fatty liver.


One genetic variant, in particular, that is called  PNPLA3 I148M is associated with the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease without the presence of obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia, or insulin resistance.

其中,特別是一種稱為PNPLA3 I148M的基因變體是與肥胖、糖尿病、血脂異常或是胰島素抗性現象的非酒精性脂肪肝的發展有關。

However, just because you have the gene does not mean you will have the disease. For example, the PNPLA3 I148M gene variant will only lead to disease progression in combination with alcohol abuse, unhealthy diet, high levels of fructose consumption, inactivity, or viral infection.

但是,你一定會懷疑,只是體內有這種基因並不會代表就一定會有著這樣的疾病嗎。這樣說是沒錯,單就PNPLA3 I148M這個基因變體來說其實只會促進疾病的進展,而這也需要搭配著酗酒、不健康的飲食、大量攝取果糖、少運動或是病毒感染才會容易發生這樣的現象。

The fact that nonalcoholic fatty liver disease has a polygenic basis also provides us with a possible explanation for why nonalcoholic liver disease tends to be found in clusters of family members. This is why it is of the utmost importance to develop healthy lifestyle habits if your parents and grandparents struggled with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.


Other genetic factors like your gender and ethnicity impact your likelihood of developing fatty liver disease as well. Although older studies found that women were at greater risk for fatty liver disease, current studies found that it is more prevalent in men.


Scientists postulate that this is due to the difference in hormones and fat distribution between men and women. Men tend to store more fat near their organs, which is a type of fat that is more inflammatory. This increases the risk of many common diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.Women, on the other hand, tend to accumulate fat in their hips and thighs, which is much less inflammatory.


When it comes to ethnicity, studies have found that African Americans have the lowest risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, despite having a higher risk of type 2 diabetes. Once again, this is thought to be because of the fact that they tend to store fat away from their organs.


Conversely, Asians and Hispanics seem to have the highest risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Researchers think that this is because they tend to store fat near their organs more than other ethnicities.


Another important thing to mention is the effect that other genes have on the development of fatty liver disease. I am not talking about your genes. It’s time to move on to the genes in your microbiome.


3. Gut Health Issues — Your Microbiome and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease



Your microbiome is made of 100 trillion bacteria that line your gut. The types of bacteria that flourish or perish have a substantial impact on your health, especially the health of your liver.


Studies done on the microbiome of obese patients found that they had a reduced abundance of a type of bacteria called Bacteroidetes and an increased abundance of another bacteria called Firmicutes. This ratio of Bacteroidetes to Firmicutes led to an increase in lipopolysaccharide absorption.


What are lipopolysaccharides? They are a component of the cellular membrane of gram-negative bacteria like Bacteroidetes. However, they aren’t as harmless as they sound.

那什麼是脂多醣?它們是擬桿菌〈如革蘭氏陰性菌〈gram-negative bacteria〉〉細胞膜的成分之一。由此來看,脂多醣並沒有像字面上看起來那樣的無害。

Lipopolysaccharides are endotoxins that trigger a potent inflammatory response in the body. This response contributes directly to insulin resistance in the liver and obesity.


Although everyone’s microbiome is unique, there seems to be a clear answer to where this obesity inducing microbiome comes from. The answer is — an obesity producing diet. More specifically, a high-sugar, high-fat diet.


This kind of diet reduces the diversity of the microbiome, favoring an increase in the Firmicutes-to-Bacteroidetes ratio in the gut. The result will be an obesity-causing microbiota profile that favors the development of obesity and fatty liver disease.


However, this isn’t the worst of it. The increase in lipopolysaccharides absorption caused by a poor diet and an obesity-causing microbiome can disrupt the liver so much that nonalcoholic fatty liver disease progresses to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.

不過,這樣的結果還不是最糟的。糟糕的飲食方式加上致肥胖的微生物,造成脂多醣吸收量的增加這會進而殘害肝臟,以致於非酒精性脂肪肝在這樣的情況下,會發展成非酒精性脂肪性肝炎〈nonalcoholic steatohepatitis〉


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