什麼時候早餐變成了一天當中很重要的一件事呢?(圖片來源:Brooke Lark, Unsplash)


You’ve probably heard that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”



What you may not know is the origin of this ode to breakfast: a 1944 marketing campaign launched by Grape Nuts manufacturer General Foods to sell more cereal.

雖然您很常聽到這樣的說法,但您可能不知道這是從什麼時候開始流行的。這得從半個世紀前說起:在1944年,一間葡萄乾麥片廠商General Foods為了要銷售更多的麥片,於是就用這樣的話術來打廣告。


During the campaign, which marketers named “Eat a Good Breakfast—Do a Better Job”, grocery stores handed out pamphlets that promoted the importance of breakfast while radio advertisements announced that “Nutrition experts say breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”




Ads like these were key to the rise of cereal, a product invented by men like John Harvey Kellogg, a deeply religious doctor who believed that cereal would both improve Americans’ health and keep them from masturbating and desiring sex. (Only half of his message made it into the ads.)




約翰·哈維·凱洛格(John Harvey Kellogg)是現代早餐麥片的發明者,圖片來源:
Nyana Stoica, Unsplash


Before cereal, in the mid 1800s, the American breakfast was not all that different from other meals. Middle- and upper-class Americans ate eggs, pastries, and pancakes, but also oysters, boiled chickens, and beef steaks.




The rise of cereal established breakfast as a meal with distinct foods and created the model of processed, ready-to-eat breakfast that still largely reigns. And it all depends on advertising and convincing you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.




The Beguiling History of Breakfast



Rachael Gorjestani, Unspalsh


The modern era of breakfast begins with cereal. Before its invention, breakfast was not as standard or routine.



"The Romans believed it was healthier to eat only one meal a day," food historian Caroline Yeldham has said. Many Native Americans, Abigail Carroll writes in The Invention of the American Meal, ate bits of food throughout the day (rather than at set meals) and sometimes fasted for days at a time.


對此,食物史學家卡洛琳雅德罕(Caroline Yeldham)就表示:"羅馬人相信,如果要保持健康的話,那麼一天只能吃一餐。"另一方面,阿比果卡羅(Abigail Carroll)在他的著作《美國餐食的發明》(The Invention of the American Meal)中也提到,許多美國人整天只吃進少量的食物,而非我們現在在吃的那種套餐的分量,甚至有的時候還會斷食好幾天呢


Of medieval Europe, historians alternatingly write that breakfast was only a luxury for the rich, only a necessity for laborers, or mostly skipped. And while many American colonists ate breakfast, they were reputedly harried affairs that took place after hours of morning work.




Historians tend to agree that breakfast became a daily, first thing in the morning institution once workers moved to cities and became employees who worked set schedules. In Europe, this first began in the 1600s, and breakfast achieved near ubiquity during the Industrial Revolution. With people going off to a full day’s work, breakfast became a thing.




Brooke Lark, Unspalsh


There was already a tradition of certain foods—like bread, ale, cheese, porridges, or leftovers—being cooked or eaten in the morning. Although since chroniclers of history spend little time describing breakfast, tracing the origins of favorite dishes is difficult.




雞蛋會成為早午餐必備的食材,竟然是跟宗教有關,圖片來源:Hannah Tasker, Unsplash


Why are eggs a staple of brunch? Searching for the eggs–breakfast link takes one back at least to early history; Bible scholar John A. Rice describes Mary of Nazareth preparing eggs for a breakfast attended by Jesus. What about pancakes? Paleontologists speculate that humans ate primitive pancakes over 5,000 years ago; more recently, Thomas Jefferson enjoyed crepe-like pancakes.




湯瑪斯傑佛遜(左二)是位喜歡吃美式鬆餅的美國總統,圖片來源:Stephen Oliver, Unspalsh


But once breakfast became fully institutionalized, the American breakfast grew increasingly like dinner. “Americans wanted meat, meat, meat. And potatoes. And cake and pie,” Lowell Dyson writes of food preferences in 19th century America. This mania extended to breakfast, and dishes like beef steaks and roasted chickens joined staples like cornbread, flapjacks, and butter on American breakfast tables.


不過一旦早餐完全融入日常生活後,美國人吃的早餐分量就開始變得跟晚餐一樣。對此,羅威戴森(Lowell Dyson)在他的著作《吃一份19世紀的美國早餐》中寫道:"美國人一定都會吃肉,除了肉還是肉。然後還有馬鈴薯、蛋糕和餡餅"而美國人對於這些食物的喜好衍生到早餐,所以您會發現當時美國人在吃的早餐除了牛排和烤雞外,美國人還會搭配玉米麵包、煎餅和奶油


It was not a recipe for good health. Americans complained chronically of indigestion, which early nutritionists and reformers named dyspepsia. As Abigail Carroll has explained, “Magazines and newspapers [just overflowed] with rhetoric about this dyspeptic condition and what to do about it.” It was the 1800s equivalent of our obesity debate.


這樣的食物真的很難要保持健康呀,所以也難怪根據史料記載,當時就已經有不少的美國人被診斷出有長期的消化不良的症狀,就像是阿比果卡羅(Abigail Carroll)所說的:"當時有很多雜誌跟報紙都針對消化不良的症狀做討論並提供預防的方法"。哇,從這裡您就可以發現,原來消化不良其實早在19世紀就有了。


早餐開始變成人們日常的生活習慣後,份量也開始增加。不知不覺早餐的份量就開始變得跟晚餐一樣,也讓有些人被診斷出有消化不良的症狀,圖片來源:Rachel Park, Unspalsh


Americans needed a simpler, lighter breakfast. What they got was cereal.



原文出處:How Breakfast Became a Thing

原文作者:Alex Mayyasi




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