圖片來源:Yanina Trekhleb, Unsplash


The Invention of Cereal 早餐麥片的問世


Before cereal represented our over-sugared, overprocessed relationship with food, Americans viewed cereal as a health food.



Its origins lie in health sanitariums run in the mid to late 1800s by some familiar names—like Dr. John Harvey Kellogg. It was a reform period when doctors were still often called quacks: Germ theory was just gaining prominence, and Dr. Kellogg’s favorite medical tool was a bath. His malady cures resembled spa treatments; “hydrotherapy” was popular at the time.




在19世紀那個醫學尚未發達的年代,大眾只把醫生視為是江湖郎中而已,圖片來源:JESHOOTS.COM, Unsplash


Kellogg and his peers believed they could improve Americans’ health by changing their diets. They believed that too much meat and too many spices had negative effects, and they preferred whole grains to white breads. A dietary reformer named Sylvester Graham invented the graham cracker in 1827. James Caleb Jackson, who did not allow red meat at his sanitarium, invented a cereal that he named “granula” in 1863. And James Kellogg developed granola or corn flakes in the 1890s.


家樂氏與他同事深信,透過改變美國人的飲食方式,是可以改善他們的健康狀況的。這是因為他們認為,攝取過多的肉品和過多調味料的食物對身體是有負面的影響,另外他們也主張全穀類(whole grains)比白麵包來得健康格雷厄姆(Sylvester Graham),是一名飲食改革者,他於1827年研發了史上第一款全麥餅乾;而詹姆士傑可森是一個不允許在他的療養院裡出現紅肉的醫生,也在1863年研製了一款名為"燕麥片(Granula)”的產品。而家樂氏醫生則是在1890年代發明了麥片


The original versions were spartan affairs. They were not sweet, and people had to soak Jackson’s granula in milk just to make it edible. Critics called granula “wheat rocks.” Kellogg’s versions weren’t much better.




一百多年前,人們在吃麥片的時候得加牛奶才可以吃,圖片來源:Daria Nepriakhina, Unsplash


But people wanted them. "The first year that the product was available saw more than 50 tons manufactured and sold in spite of primitive production facilities,” a Kellogg biographer writes of his corn flakes. “Soon cereal manufacturing companies sprang up all over the country.” By 1903, there were 100 cereal companies in Kellogg’s town of Battle Creek alone.


很意外的,當時這些產品竟然大受好評。在家樂氏傳記裡正好提到,"儘管當時生產設備相當地原始,但是家樂氏麥片在第一年發行的銷量就超過了50噸" "過了不久,麥片生產商就遍及了美國全境" 在1903年以前,光是在巴特爾克里克(美國密西根州的一個城市)-這個家樂氏的發源地,就有多達100間專營麥片的公司。


It was a full on craze. Cereal was seen as a solution to the nation’s dyspepsia, author Abigail Carroll argues, and since it didn’t need to be cooked, it was a convenience food at a time when the Industrial Revolution meant people had less time and less access to a kitchen or farm.


麥片的問世讓人們陷入了搶購的風潮。一般認為,這是因為當時人們認為,麥片是改善消化不良這種文明病的最佳良藥。不過阿比果卡蘿對這個現象做了不同的解釋:麥片之所以在當時會暢銷,是因為它是一種無須花費太多心力跟時間就能夠食用的簡便食品(convience food)。對於當時正處於工業革命的時代下,或許麥片正是能夠解決家家戶戶進廚房時間變少的最好方式


Carlos T, Unsplash


The most successful food trends tend to combine science and morality, and the invention of cereal was no exception.



Kellogg termed his lifestyle—more exercise, more baths, and simpler, blander foods—”biologic living”, and he gave lectures and wrote long tracts to promote it. He described the modern diet as unnatural and too diverse. “To eat biologically,” he wrote, “is simply to eat scientifically, to eat normally.” Like a paleo devotee, he promised a return to man’s natural diet. Except his answer was cereal.


家樂氏聲稱,"多運動、多洗澡、攝取簡單且較無調味的食品"這樣的生活方式為"原始生物般的生活",此外家樂氏還開設課程並編寫教材來宣傳這種生活方式。他認為當代的飲食並非天然而且也太過於複雜了,於是他在教材裡寫道:"要吃得像大自然的動物一樣其實並不難,只要吃得合乎科學觀念並吃得正常即可" 就像現在實行原始人飲食(paleo)一樣,他認為要吃得健康,得多吃全食(whole food,未經處理的食物)。但有個食品例外,那就是麥片


麥片是家樂氏認為是最健康的飲食法中,唯一一種可食用的加工食品。圖片來源:THE 5TH, Unsplash


But Dr. Kellogg believed that eating biologically would solve much more than dyspepsia and indigestion. Like Dr. Graham with his graham cracker, Kellogg believed  Americans’ meat-centric diets led them to carnal sins. "Highly seasoned [meats], stimulating sauces... and dainty tidbits in endless variety,” wrote Kellogg, a vegetarian, “irritate [the] nerves and… react upon the sexual organs.”




In his mind, masturbation was a shameful act linked to bad health; and over-stimulating diets, diseases, and sexual acts formed an insidious cycle. Eating cereal would keep Americans from masturbating and desiring sex. "How many mothers, while teaching their children the principles of virtue in the nursery,” he wrote, “unwittingly stimulate their passions at the dinner table until vice becomes a physical necessity!" (He also recommended circumcision and tying children’s hands with rope to prevent masturbation and sexual urges.)




Markus Spiske, Unspalsh


John Harvey Kellogg was a true believer. During his lectures, he explained how people could make their own cereal at home. "You may say I am destroying the health food business here by giving these recipes,” he said at one talk. “But I am not after the business; I am after the reform."






原文出處:How Breakfast Became a Thing
原文作者:Alex Mayyasi

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