麥片市場的發展已經超乎麥片發明者的想像, 圖片來源:Nyana Stoica, Unsplash
Like any food trend, though, the marketers took over the purists’ work. Dr. Kellogg felt particularly bitter about the development: the two most successful cereal entrepreneurs were his brother, Will Keith Kellogg, and one of his former patients, C.W. Post, who Dr. Kellogg accused of stealing the corn flake recipe from his safe.
家樂氏醫生就像是歷史上開創食物浪潮或是新事物的人一樣,都不約而同地沉入了歷史的洪流,圖片來源:Keith Bremner, Unsplash
Each man created cereal companies, the Kellogg Company (which was headed by Will Kellogg and not Dr. Kellogg) and Postum Cereal Company (now Post Cereals). Both of them became wildly successful thanks to two key ingredients: sugar and advertising.
上述這兩人分別開創了自己的麥片事業,分別是家樂氏企業(公司負責人是威爾家樂氏而非家樂氏醫生)和波斯敦穀物企業(現為Post Cereals)。這兩間企業獲得巨大的成功得歸功於兩個關鍵的元素:糖分跟廣告行銷。(編按:糖簡直就是個毒品,當越想要吃糖的時候,就代表自己已經吃下太多的糖了)
By the 1940s, Post Cereals fully coated its cereals with sugar. The Kellogg brothers had long argued over adding sugar—Dr. Kellogg believed sugar was a vice in his pure creation, while Will Kellogg thought it was necessary to improve the taste of their “horse-food.” After some hand wringing, the Kellogg Company copied Post and coated corn flakes with sugar.
諷刺的是,原本標榜健康的麥片,最後因為商業化的關係,加入了很多的糖分,圖片來源:Jeffrey Deng, Unsplash
Still, cereal kept its health food reputation thanks to a constant barrage of advertising. Cereal manufacturers like C.W. Post claimed that cereal cured everything up to malaria and appendicitis. The proclamations on today’s cereal boxes that they are “A good source of Vitamin D!” date back to Americans’ obsession with vitamins in the 1920s.
雖然對於現在來說,補充維生素的觀念早已深植人心,稱得上一件稀鬆平常的事情,但在約莫100年前,美國人見到維生素就像是明星一樣地瘋狂呢。圖片來源:freestocks.org, Unsplash
To appeal to children, cereal companies pioneered the use of cartoon mascots. Characters like Tony the Tiger (Frosted Flakes) and Snap, Crackle, and Pop (Rice Krispies) first appeared in the 1930s.
有些麥片業者為了要吸引小朋友的注意,就運用了卡通吉祥物(cartoon mascots)來做產品行銷,像是現在在超市裡常見的東尼虎(Tony the Tiger)(玉米片)以及Snap, Crackle and Pop(西式米香的吉祥物),都是早在1930年就推出的吉祥物。
東尼虎, 圖片來源:Daily Mail
Snap, Crackle and Pop, 圖片來源:家樂氏
Advertising was they key to the cereal business. Whether they involved cartoon characters or wacky health claims, the important thing was to establish a brand for each cereal.
“The sunshine that makes a business plant grow,” C.W. Post said, as he embarked on a career that would earn him a net worth (in 2016 dollars) of $800 million, “is advertizing.”
“The Most Important Meal of the Day”
Jez Timms, Unsplash
Cereal and breakfast foods don’t have a monopoly on animated mascots and zany health claims. But there are a number of reasons why the battle over breakfast is particularly ferocious.
The first is that any company that convinces you to eat their cereal, pop tarts, or bagels absolutely owns your breakfast, because most people eat the same breakfast every day. Studies have found that consumers have strong brand loyalty to breakfast foods like cereal. Our breakfast choices are likely more habitual because of the strength of morning routines. Ads by the chicken lobby may convince people to eat a bit more chicken. But an avalanche of Tony the Tiger ads can get tens of thousands of children to eat Frosted Flakes every morning for years.
首先,只要任何業主說服消費者購買他們家的麥片、夾心餅或是貝果之類的產品,通常他們都不太會拒絕。這是因為放眼望去,大多數人每天都是吃這樣的早餐。研究也發現,消費者在購買像是麥片這樣的早餐產品時,有著極高的品牌忠誠度(brand loyalty)。而現代人的早餐其實跟宗教儀式沒什麼兩樣:每天吃早餐時會選的食物就像是一個周而復始的習慣。
Another is that while some Americans cook breakfast, people’s desire for a fast, convenient meal means that many breakfast foods are packaged products that rely on advertising. You can glean this from the structure of the cereal industry: cereal is extremely easy to make—a fact that angered Dr. Kellogg, who patented his creation but failed to prevent others from copying it—yet just a few companies dominate the market.
雖然麥片這項產品很容易被仿製,但是一般業主要進入消費者市場的難度極高。圖片來源:Pedro Ribeiro, Unsplash
As the Federal Trade Commission once complained in an antitrust lawsuit, competing with the cereal giants is difficult because they create dozens of cereal brands and promote “trademarks through intensive advertising [which] results in high barriers to entry into the cereal market.” The magic of Snap, Crackle, and Pop—and all the advertisements for cereals, pop tarts, yogurts, and breakfast bars—is high profits from an easily imitated product.
原文出處:How Breakfast Became a Thing
原文作者:Alex Mayyasi