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What is a KPI? 什麼是KPI

Measure your performance against key business objectives.




A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives. Organizations use key performance indicators at multiple levels to evaluate their success at reaching targets. High-level KPIs may focus on the overall performance of the enterprise, while low-level KPIs may focus on processes or employees in departments such as sales, marketing or a call center.




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For more detailed definitions, check out these resources:


Wikipedia's definition of KPI 維基百科

Investopedia's definition of KPI 投資百科's definition of KPI


What makes a KPI effective? 如何更有效的運用KPI?

Now that we know KPI stands for key performance indicator it is only as valuable as the action it inspires. Too often, organizations blindly adopt industry-recognized KPIs and then wonder why that KPI doesn't reflect their own business and fails to affect any positive change. One of the most important, but often overlooked, aspects of KPIs is that they are a form of communication. As such, they abide by the same rules and best-practices as any other form of communication. Succinct, clear and relevant information is much more likely to be absorbed and acted upon. KPIs are an effective tool to help build better performing teams.


現在我們知道KPI指的是關鍵績效指標,也能從中推論為何現今會有那麼多企業採用KPI了。然而,我們發現過多的企業盲目採用KPI,卻不明白為何無法有效反映到自身的績效或帶來正向的轉變。事實上,很多人往往忽略 KPI其實是來自於企業組織間對於成果如何達成的共識。在制定KPI後,當企業裡所有的成員都依照明定的規則與方式來執行工作,而後執行的效果就會反映在KPI。以清楚且切身相關的信息作為設計基礎,KPI的確是一種有效幫助企業績效變得更好的工具。


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In terms of developing a strategy for formulating KPIs, your team should start with the basics and understand what your organizational objectives are, how you plan on achieving them, and who can act on this information. This should be an iterative process that involves feedback from analysts, department heads and managers. As this fact finding mission unfolds, you will gain a better understanding of which business processes need to be measured with a KPI dashboard and with whom that information should be shared.




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One way to evaluate the relevance of a performance indicator is to use the SMART criteria. The letters are typically taken to stand for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound. In other words:





1.  Is your objective Specific? 制定的目標是否為具體的?

2.  Can you Measure progress towards that goal? 能否量化目標完成的程度?

3.  Is the goal realistically Attainable? 目標真的可以達到嗎?

4.  How Relevant is the goal to your organization? 所制定的目標與企業組織的關聯性多強?

5.  What is the Time-frame for achieving this goal? 完成目標的期限是否是明確的


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How to define a KPI  KPI的制定

Defining key performance indicators can be tricky business. The operative word in KPI is “key” because every KPI should related to a specific business outcome with a performance measure. KPIs are often confused with business metrics. Although often used in the same spirit, KPIs need to be defined according to critical or core business objectives. Follow these steps when defining a KPI:


制定KPI如此棘手,其關鍵在於”Key’’(編按:在原文裡,key有關鍵及鑰匙之意),這是由於各個KPI會對應不同的營運成果且將其量化。因此有不少人會將KPI跟營運指標(buisness metrics)搞混。僅管兩者的使用原理相當雷同,但是在KPI的設計上,得根據重要或是核心的營運目標。那麼前面討論了那麼多,到底該如何制定KPI呢?流程如下:


1. What is your desired outcome? 最想得到的營運成果

2. Why does this outcome matter? 這個營運成果為何重要

3. How are you going to measure progress? 如何量化營運成果

4. How can you influence the outcome? 如何達到您要的結果

5. Who is responsible for the business outcome?  誰要負責最終的結果

6. How will you know you’ve achieved your outcome? 如何知道是否達到當初制定的目標

7. How often will you review progress towards the outcome? 檢視完成目標過程的頻率


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As an example, let’s say your objective is to increase sales revenue this year. You’re going to call this your Sales Growth KPI. Here’s how you might define the KPI:




1. To increase sales revenue by 20% this year 在本年度增加20%的銷貨收入(目標)

2. Achieving this target will allow the business to become profitable 完成這項目標會讓企業的獲利更好(目標重要的原因)

3. Progress will be measured as an increase in revenue measured in dollars spent 會以消費金額來衡量目標完成的績效(量化)

4. By hiring additional sales staff, by promoting existing customers to buy more product


5. The Chief Sales Officer is responsible for this metric 業務長需承擔最終結果

6. Revenue will have increased by 20% this year 本年度營收將會增加20%

7. Will be reviewed on a monthly basis 定期檢視營收(每月一次)


圖片來源:NEW DATA SERVICES, Unsplash


Being even SMARTER about your KPIs  SMART理論的進階版-SMARTER理論


The SMART criteria can also be expanded to be SMARTER with the addition of evaluate and reevaluate. These two steps are extremely important, as they ensure you continually assess your KPIs and their relevance to your business. For example, if you've exceeded your revenue target for the current year, you should determine if that's because you set your goal too low or if that's attributable to some other factor.




Check out our blog on How to write and develop KPIs.



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Are KPIs still relevant? 各項的KPI間是否有關連性呢?

KPIs often have a negative connotation associated with them. Unfortunately, many business users are beginning to see KPI monitoring as an obsolete practice. This is because KPIs fall victim to that most human of all problems: lack of communication.




圖片來源:Chris Liverani, Unsplash


The truth is that KPIs are only as valuable as you make them. Key performance indicators require time, effort and employee buy-in to live up to their high expectations. Bernard Marr, best-selling author and enterprise performance expert, sparked an interesting conversation on this subject in his article, "What the heck is a KPI?" The comments make it clear that while key performance indicators may have fallen out favour (depending who you ask), their potential value remains in the hands of those that use them.


前面整理了很多KPI相關的資訊,可是這一切只有在設計及實作後才有機會彰顯其價值,且各項的企業營運關鍵指標需要時間、精力及雇員的付出才能看出成效。而Bernard Marr,這位暢銷作家及企業績效專家,曾在他的一篇文章就用這樣的方式作為開場:到底什麼是KPI?” 接著他在文章裡寫道,雖然KPI可能不受歡迎(那還得看對象是誰),不過KPI的確有其價值所在,只是要看人怎麼使用


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So then why are key performance indicators so important? 那為何KPI會如此的重要?


Setting key performance indicators for an organization usually happens during the strategic planning phase, whether you do that yearly, quarterly or even more frequently, the goal is to ensure the entire organization is aligned towards the same objectives. Imagine a large row boat with ten people, if 3 people think the boat is heading left, 5 people think the boat is supposed to be heading right and 2 people think the boat is supposed to turn around. What happens to the boat?




The boat will start spinning around. Therefore, ensuring alignment from top of the organization all the way to the front line employees is the difference between a boat moving forward in unison vs getting nowhere.




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Key performance indicators in Action KPI的實作

Alright so now that you have defined all your key performance indicators now what?



KPI Report KPI報告

Whether you share a KPI report daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually or all of the above, setting up a good KPI report platform is key to your success. At Klipfolio we monitor a few KPIs but then track more deeply all the measures and activities that can effect that KPI.




圖片來源:Stephen Dawson, Unsplash


For example, if we track Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) we know that # of quality leads, # of trials started, # of successful onboards and many other measures will impact the success of MRR. So we track a daily number of new leads created with an email report every morning at 8am. We have a dashboard to track several key activities to ensure the product trial starts are going smoothly in real-time and we track monthly the number of onboards completed successfully by the customer success team.


比方說,如果追蹤每月經常性收入(Monthly Recurring Revenue, MRR)時,我們可以了解影響MRR的指標如潛在客戶數、開始試用量、成交量等。也能得以即時透過email來傳遞每日新的潛在客戶相關會報。此外,Klipfolilo也提供一種讓客戶規劃團隊得以追蹤產品銷售狀況(像是確保產品試用能在預定時間開始或是追蹤運貨完成數)的儀表板。


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KPI Dashboard KPI儀表板

With KPI dashboards becoming more and more prevalent in today's fast moving organizations such as SaaS and cloud-based businesses, they usually represent a consuming format where an individual can review their data in real-time whereas reports tend to be specific snapshots in a moment of time.


隨著現今科技的進步,軟體即服務/即需即用軟體(SaaS, Software as a Service)以及雲端服務企業因運而生,而這些企業組織也經常使用KPI儀表板得以及時檢視資料並從中評估績效。


One of the most common uses cases of KPI dashboards are in startups who share their core organizational performance measures to get alignment from all the employees. When you walk around their offices, TV's will be placed near specific teams highlighting the results in real-time such as number of support tickets resolved today or number of new wins.




圖片來源:Headway, Unsplash


So what about key business performance measures? 那關鍵企業績效措施呢?

If key performance indicators are your most important objectives for your business, how do you align your organization to get there? Performance measurement as defined by Wikipedia says "Performance measurement is the process of collecting, analyzing and/or reporting information regarding the performance of an individual, group, organization, system or component".




Therefore, business performance measures can be viewed as a way to quantifying (i.e. measure) the effectiveness and efficiency of an action or outcome that can align or impact your key performance indicators. Before picking and defining a business performance measure, managers and leaders need to know how to write them. There is a lot of great literature and research on this topic including Andrew Neely from the University of Cambridge, who wrote in designing performance measures you can leverage a structured approach by going thru a list questions to consider as you build your performance measurement system.


因此,營運績效評估是一種量化成果及行動是否合乎當初設計KPI的方式。不過在此之前,管理者及各階層的領導人都需要先知道編制的方式及原理。若有對這方面不清楚時,其實有非常多的著作可供參考,包括劍橋大學的Andrew Neely的著作,透過著作中所提及的課題,得以建構適合自身企業的績效評量系統。


圖片來源:Aaron Burden, Unsplash


Top 22 questions to use when designing key performance measures


Review these questions as a checklist when building out your key business performance measurement systems:


1. Be derived from strategy企業營運的方針為藍本


2. Be simple to understand  淺顯易懂


3. Provide timely and accurate feedback 提供即時及精準的回報


4. Be based on quantities that can be influenced, or controlled, by the user alone or in co-operation with others 以使用者可掌握的為基礎


5. Reflect the “business process” – i.e. both the supplier and customer should be involved in the definition of the measure



6. Relate to specific goals (targets) 跟特定目標有關


7. Be relevant 各個衡量指標都是有關連性的


8. Be part of a closed management loop 成為封閉式管理循環的一部份


9. Be clearly defined 能清楚界定的


10. Have visual impact具視覺化的效果


11. Focus on improvement焦點放在營運的改善上


12. Be consistent (in that they maintain their significance as time goes by)



13. Provide fast feedback 能快速提供反饋


14. Have an explicit purpose 有明確的目的


15. Be based on an explicitly defined formula and source of data



16. Employ ratios rather than absolute numbers 用百分比而非用數字表示


17. Use data which are automatically collected as part of a process whenever possible



18. Be reported in a simple consistent format 利用淺顯易懂的圖像呈現


19. Be based on trends rather than snapshots



20. Provide information 能從中獲取資訊


21. Be precise – be exact about what is being measured 精準量化


22. Be objective – not based on opinion 具體而非只是空談


原文:What is a KPI?


    創作者 譯文大賞 的頭像


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