Nik MacMillan, Unsplash
When you’re interviewing for a job or participating in a meeting, your body language is almost as important as the answers you give to the questions. Crossed arms could look defensive. Poor posture can appear unprofessional, while gazing down and not making eye contact can detract from being seen as confident.
Employers will evaluate what you do as well as what you say, and you can use your nonverbal communication skills to make the best impression.
雇主除了評估說話內容外,也會觀察對方的一舉一動。這時候如果要給雇主留下一個好的印象,可以運用非語言溝通(nonverbal communication)的技巧喔。
當身體向前傾,表示對談話內容是有興趣的,圖片來源:rawpixel, Unsplash
The Importance of Nonverbal Communications 非語言溝通的重要性
Most candidates carefully prepare what they will say during interviews and networking meetings.
However, knowing what you will say is only part of the picture. Just as important is having an understanding of how to convey your messages through body language. Your interviewing and networking success will be largely determined by the impression people get of you, and how they respond to what you say.
圖片來源:Tim Gouw, Unsplash
Communicating at Job Interviews 面試時該注意的地方
Your nonverbal communications can either support the tone of your conversation or leave the interviewer wondering whether you’re all talk and no substance. Displaying nonverbal behaviors that are a match for your messages can help you to convince employers that you are genuinely interested in the job and suited for the work.
In general, what’s most important is to be positive and engaging. If you feel confident about your ability to do the job and know you’ll be an asset to the employer, you can show that by your actions as well as your words.
圖片來源:rawpixel, Unsplash
Communicating at Work 職場該注意的地方
Another hiring factor is the subject’s apparent ability to relate effectively with clients, co-workers, and other stakeholders.
For example, subtly mirroring interviewers' body language can make you appear more trustworthy to them. In the same vein, lack of eye contact is a sign of low confidence and an inability to truly engage with others.
In many occupations, establishing credibility and trust is a significant success factor.
So, use positive nonverbal behavior to further demonstrate your sincerity and engaging personality.
圖片來源:rawpixel, Unsplash
Nonverbal Communication Skills Examples 非語言溝通技巧範例
Want to brush up your skills? Review this list of nonverbal skills and work on any areas where you think you could improve.
1. Avoid slouching. Sit with your back straight up against the chair or lean slightly forward to convey engagement.
2. Steer clear of smiles or laughter when messages are serious.
3. Display some animation with hands and facial expressions to project a dynamic presence. (But, in general, avoid talking with your hands excessively, which can appear unprofessional and unpolished.)
4. Don’t bring your phone, a drink, or anything else to an interview or meeting that could distract you.
在開會或是面試的重要場合,千萬別拿著手機或是飲料等會讓自己分心的物品,圖片來源:bruce mars, Unsplash
5. Don’t interrupt your interviewer.
6. Eliminate fidgeting and shaking of limbs.
7. Establish frequent but not continuous or piercing eye contact with interviewers.
8. Focus on the conversation.
9. In a group interview, shift eye contact to the various speakers.
在分組面試(group interview)時,試著轉移視線到不同的人身上。
10. Introduce yourself with a smile and a firm handshake. Be sure that your palms are dry.
11. Keep your hands away from the face and hair.
12. Lean slightly forward to indicate interest.
身體微微向前靠,讓對方覺得您對他的說話內容是有興趣的,圖片來源:rawpixel, Unsplash
13. Listen carefully, and do not interrupt.
14. Maintain open arms – folded arms can convey defensiveness.
15. Modulate your vocal tone to express excitement and punctuate key points.
16. Nod to demonstrate understanding.
17. Observe the reaction of others to your statements.
18. Pay attention to the conversation.
19. Read the nonverbal signals of others – provide clarification if they look confused, and wrap up if they have heard enough.
20. Refrain from forced laughter in response to humor.
在開口的同時,也要注意對方的反應進而做調整,圖片來源:rawpixel, Unsplash
21. Avoid looking at the clock, your phone, or displaying any other signs of disinterest.
22. Respect the amount of personal space preferred by your communication partners.
23. Rotate eye contact to various speakers in group interviewing or networking situations.
24. Shake hands firmly without excessive force.
25. Show that you’re interested in what the interviewer is telling you.
握手的力道適度為佳,圖片來源:rawpixel, Unsplash
26. Smile to indicate that you are amused or pleased with a communication.
27. Stay calm even when you’re nervous.
28. Steer clear of monotone delivery
29. Wait until the person is done talking to respond
Practice Makes Interview Perfect 一切都不容易,那就多練習吧
Practicing your delivery of messages through role playing with counselors and friends can help you to hone your non-verbal communication skills. Try recording your practice sessions so you can analyze some of the nuances of your style. Here are tips for practice interviewing.
Spending some time practicing will ensure your skills are up to par. You’ll also feel more comfortable when you’re interviewing or networking if you’ve spent time getting ready. The less nervous you are, the better you’ll be able to communicate well – both verbally and nonverbally.
圖片來源:Akson, Unsplash
本文擷取自thebusinesscareer網站中的Nonverbal Communication Skills List and Examples,中文翻譯僅代表個人觀點供大家參考,如有不妥處,歡迎指正。